Are You On Track To Crush Your 2017 Goals?

February 17, 2017

Are You On Track To Crush Your 2017 Goals?

“While intent is the seed of manifestation, action is the water that nourishes the seed. Your actions must reflect your goals in order to achieve true success.” — Steve Maraboli

Hey, Readers! Today’s post is all about you. I wanted to check in to see where you stand with your 2017 goals. As last year ended and this year began, we talked a lot about goals: how to meet them; whether or not we should share them; as well as some books to help you achieve them.

Well, here we are…a little deeper into the year. I’d love to know where you stand with your 2017 goals. Are you on track to meeting them? Have you needed to reevaluate them? Have you forgotten all about them?

Wherever you stand, I want to encourage you to keep the goals you set at the forefront of your mind. This will go a long way towards meeting them. I’ve heard the suggestion that goals should be looked at daily. Whether it’s daily, weekly, or some other interval, we do need to review and think about our goals on a consistent basis.

If we are always thinking about our goals, (dreaming about them, brainstorming ways to meet them, etc.), then this will naturally lead to action. Action, of course, is the difference between a goal and a wish — and action needs to happen on a daily basis.

Make Working On Your Goals a Daily Affair

If we want to crush our goals this year, then we need to make daily choices and decisions that propel us towards meeting them. Otherwise, the days, weeks, and months, will progress without our doing anything significant towards meeting our goals. (And they will pass quickly!)

So, where are you with your 2017 goals? What steps are you taking to achieve them? What progress have you made? Have you experienced any setbacks? Do you think your goals might be unrealistic? Or maybe you realized the goals you set were safe goals — ones you could achieve without stretching yourself. Are you on track to crush your 2017 goals? Or do you need a re-set? I want to know! Please let me know in the comments section.

This check-in is the first of a few I plan to make throughout the year. Because we tend to reserve talking about goals for the end and the beginning of a year, I want to ensure we are setting ourselves up for success by making it an ongoing conversation.

So prepare yourself to share your progress a few times throughout the year. I look forward to hearing how you are doing with your 2017 goals.

(And because I want to know where you stand, I’ll put myself out there and share where I stand with one of my goals. My biggest, most audacious goal this year is to increase my earnings from this blog and all side income to $150,000. This is a crazy goal for me, but one I’m determined to reach. Where do I stand? I’m waaaaaayyyyy behind. Behind, but not deterred. I will be following the advice I just gave you and will make sure I am taking a concrete action daily towards reaching my goal!)

Okay, your turn! Share with me in the comments where you stand!

Haven’t set your goals yet? Download the 2017 Goal Worksheet today!

Related Reading:
Monthly Reads | Inspiration for the New Year
15 Books to Help You Reach Your 2017 Goals
Should You Share Your Goals Or Keep Them to Yourself?
How to Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions


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