Monthly Reads | Inspiration For the New Year

January 27, 2017

Monthly Reads | Inspiration for the New Year

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” -Zig Ziglar

Take one glance at the calendar, and you’ll receive a startling reminder that we are getting deeper and deeper into the new year.

What happened? Was it not that long ago that we were all reveling in the excitement and busyness of the holidays? I suppose that’s how time works; it moves, huh? As we advance more into the new year, it might be necessary to re-up on the energy you most likely entered January with.

Whether you’re crushing your goals or the momentum you had at the beginning of the year is starting to wane, a little inspiration could do you some good. I’ve rounded up a few posts to help you keep things moving in the new year (or get them started again).

Here is some inspiration for the New Year.

How to Make an Actionable Vision Board to Get Your Life Right — Jessica Moorhouse

You probably have heard of the concept of a vision board. If not, essentially it’s goal-setting with visuals. The idea is that by envisioning what accomplishing your goals looks like, you have a greater chance of meeting them. If you’ve never made a vision board, this post will make you want to give it a go. Jessica walks you through the steps of creating an inspiring and actionable vision board to help you reach your goals. Read

The One Ingredient You Need To Work Less This Year — Frugal Rules

Do you pick a word or theme for each new year? Last year, my word was “yes”. I decided early in the year that I would say “yes” to any opportunity that would grow and stretch me — no matter how scared or intimidated I felt. Without giving anything away, the “one ingredient” in this post is a great theme for the year because it is something many people lack. As the title suggests, yes, it will help you work less this year, but it will also play a vital role in your ability to meet all of your other goals for the year. Read

How to Design a Life You Actually Love — Bianca Bass 

We are all well aware that establishing goals and working towards them is the only way to move us from where we are to where we want to be. That said, goal-setting and having a clear vision of where you’re heading is not meant to nullify or lessen where you are now. This post highlights some simple but powerful approaches you can take immediately to be more satisfied with the life you’re living today. Read

Even though these posts provide different ideas, they all represent creative ways to make the best of the new year. I hope this dose of inspiration will help you as you work towards your goals!

Will you follow any of these ideas? Let me know in the comments!

This is the first post in a new series, Monthly Reads. For the last post of every month, I will round up a few posts, usually based on a particular topic or theme, to inspire you, encourage you, make you think, or maybe just make you laugh! To receive Monthly Reads and all other posts via email, sign up for the weekly Hope+Cents newsletter.


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