What’s the Game Plan? {Day 21 of 21 Days of Hope + Help for Your Money}
What’s the Game Plan? {Day 21 of 21 Days of Hope + Help for Your Money}
This is Day 21 of 21 Days of Hope + Help for Your Money, a series providing you encouragement and tips to start the year off on a note of hope. You can catch up on the rest of the series here.
“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.” ― Laini Taylor
You did it! You made it to Day 21! Congratulations!
Assuming you didn’t just skip here 😉, over the last three weeks you’ve gone on a journey that included establishing your goals, identifying your money mindset, taking a look at your habits, getting organized, addressing your spending, and facing your debt.
You’ve begun to lay a foundation that you can build upon.
So my question to you now is…what’s next? What’s the game plan for your financial future? We talked about your goals for this year, but what’s your overall financial game plan? Where do want to be three, five, ten, and twenty years from now? And what is the very next thing you need to do to get there?
Depending on your situation you may want to consider one of the following as your next steps:
- Overhaul your budget
- Committing to working with your spouse on your finances
- Start working with a professional
- Establish an Emergency Fund
- Establish an “Urgent Fund”
- Attack your debt
- Start giving or tithing
- Begin saving at least 10% of your income
- Establish a savings fund related to your “why”
- Establish college savings accounts
- Start saving for a home
- Start saving for retirement
- Start investing
Of course, there are many other things you can do that apply to your unique situation. The point is that you need to identify the next step needed to move you forward.
Hopefully, these 21 days have shed some light on the areas of your finances that need attention. You should have also discovered that regardless of the state of your finances, hope plays a significant role in whether or not you’ll achieve the change you’d like to see regarding your money.
Thank you so much for taking this journey. I trust that it’s been helpful and hopeful for you and wish you much success as you continue on your financial journey.
I’d love to hear from you! Please share your comments and thoughts regarding 21 Days of Hope + Help for Your Money in the comments section below!
Action Steps
For your final day, we have two action steps…By the way, if you didn’t complete the action steps for all 21 days, no worries. You can go back anytime and finish the steps you missed.
#1: Celebrate a Win
What’s something you accomplished during the past 21 days that you can celebrate? It can be a big win or a something minor. It doesn’t matter — a win is a win. Pat yourself on the back and share your victory in the comments below!
#2: What’s Your Game Plan?
Map out a plan for where you want to be financially in three, five, ten, and twenty years as well as the steps you need to take to get you there.

Thanks again for joining me on this 21-day journey!!