The Power of Gratitude {Day 10 of 21 Days of Hope + Help for Your Money}
The Power of Gratitude {Day 10 of 21 Days of Hope + Help for Your Money}
This is Day 10 of 21 Days of Hope + Help for Your Money, a series providing you encouragement and tips to start the year off on a note of hope. Catch up on previous posts here. For future posts, come back daily or subscribe to have them emailed directly to you.
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” — Oprah Winfrey
What does gratitude have to do with your finances?
A lot. At least it should. It is way too easy to get caught up in what we lack, what we need, and what we want, that sometimes—most of the time—gratitude takes a back seat. And in our culture of more, More, MORE, we go far beyond just getting caught up. We allow ourselves to be consumed by what we’re missing.
For the most part, we all have much to be thankful for. You have much to be thankful for. You woke up this morning. You have a roof over your head. You are reading this on a computer or phone. Even in our need, we have excess.
But when we allow our wants to overshadow our “haves,” we lose sight of what is good in our lives. And worse—we develop a habit of dissatisfaction. Which means even when we attain what we think we want, we won’t be satisfied. The finish line we’re aiming for will shift on us.
You may not be where you want to be financially, but if you pause and reflect on your situation, is there something that is going well for you? Have you made some progress on your financial journey that you can celebrate? Is there anything you should be grateful for?
I bet there is—if you choose to see it.
Action Step
Choose Gratitude
Take a moment to reflect on and identify three things that you are thankful for. It could be related to your finances, but it doesn’t have to be. Jot them down in a notebook or on a memo on your phone. Throughout the day, focus on these three things.
Let your gratitude consume your thoughts more than what is missing from your life.

What are you grateful for? Share in the comments!