Inspiring Reads to Get You Through the Holiday Season

December 16, 2016

Inspiring Reads to Get You Through the Holiday Season

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In the midst of the craziness that can be the holiday season, it’s important to take a break. A break to rest. A break to breath. A break to remember what the season is and what it isn’t.

I’ve gathered a few posts that will help you do just that. By chance, they all happen to be from Becoming Minimalist, which is an excellent blog to check out (even if the word minimalism frightens you and you want absolutely nothing to do with it!)

The writer behind it, Joshua Becker, is the author of The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own, and he offers up tons of resources and encouragement to live a simple, pared down life that is full of the things that matter.

Here are a few inspiring reads to get you through the holiday season.

35 Gifts Your Children Will Never Forget
Do you remember what you got for Christmas when you were nine? Neither do I, and neither will our children. This read is a wonderful reminder of what we can (and should) gift our kids that they will never forget.

The White Envelope
Reading this brought tears to my eyes. A story of a meaningful Christmas tradition that might make you rethink everything you bought so far. (Just kidding!)

All the Things You Don’t Need for a Perfect Holiday
Contrary to what retailers are telling us, it’s not stuff that will make the holidays perfect. This post reminds us of what will.

Happy Reading. Let me know what you think after checking these posts out!


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