Top Ten of 2016

December 30, 2016

Top Ten of 2016

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, folks, here we are…wrapping up 2016. To be completely cliche, I cannot believe the year is over! Where has the time gone? As cliche as those words are, I do think they are always said sincerely and with genuine wonder at how quickly time flies. See? Another cliche.

As we close out 2016 and look forward to 2017, I want to say a huge thank you to you, my readers. Whether you’ve been a faithful reader since this blog started in April or you just stumbled upon the blog today, thank you.

Thank you for reading, commenting, emailing, and reaching out in other ways. Thank you for sharing posts and this blog with others. Thank you for letting me know that what you’re reading is impacting you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

There is nothing better than to hear that the words I’ve put out there are helping you since that was the very goal in starting this blog. I’m humbled to have you as a reader and look forward to sharing more with you and hearing more from you in 2017!

As we close out the year, I would like to look back at the posts that you enjoyed reading the most. Here are the top ten posts on the blog in 2016.

10. 5 Financial Lies We Tell Ourselves

We are masters at telling ourselves what we want to hear, but that can get us into serious trouble when it comes to financial matters. In this post, I explore five common financial lies we tell ourselves and others. Read

9. Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course Review

If you’re a blogger or thinking about blogging, then you know there is a TON of information, books, and courses out there about anything and everything related to blogging. It can be overwhelming! In this post, I provide an honest review of the course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. Read

8. My Debt-Free Journey

Reading debt-free stories can be inspiring because they shed light on the possible. Over a series of four posts, I detail the journey I took to pay off $74,000 of debt in two years. Read

7. How to Squeeze $500 Out of Your Budget

Looking to save money? Feel like it’s impossible? Learn multiple things you can do to squeeze out $500 of savings every month. Read

6. 8 Reasons Why Your Budget Doesn’t Work

Many people have reasons why budgeting doesn’t work for them. In this post, I explore and counter eight common reasons your budget might not be working. Read

5. Can a New Blogger Really Make Money?

If you’ve ever wondered if blogging can earn money, then you’ve also probably wondered how. In this post, I interview Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of Making Sense of Cents who shares how she grew her blog from hobby to full-time job. Read

4. How to Do a Zero-Based Budget

Love the zero-based budget! In this post, I explain what a zero-based budget is, provide step-by-step details on how to do one, and explore why this budgeting method works! Read

3. 3 Things NOT To Sacrifice When Paying Off Debt

If I could go back and do my debt-free journey over, there are some things I would do differently. If you’re tackling debt, make sure you’re not sacrificing these three things. Read

2. 8 Tools To Help You Manage Your Money in 2017

As we gear up for a new year, naturally our thoughts turn to improving our finances. Learn about eight amazing tools to help you do just that. Read

And the #1 post of 2016….

1. 15 Expenses You Think You Can’t Live Without…But Can

I love that this is the most popular post of the year because it was a lot of fun to write! Hear what expenses financial experts and writers once thought they couldn’t live without but have learned that they can. Read

Again, thank you so much for being a part of Hope+Cents this year. Wishing you a full and blessed new year!


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